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Diva staking protocol

Diva staking protocol is a core layer of Nektar Network that facilitates interaction between stakers and operators. As a liquid staking layer, it is an integral part of a larger restaking picture.

It can be used independently of the restaking as the base validation layer. Anyone can be engaged with Diva Staking without needing to interact with the additional functionalities of the broader Nektar Network.

Interconnected, yet autonomous

The restaking workflow starts when Operators choose to perform additional duties for the benefit of third parties interested in leveraging Ethereum security. At the same time, Restakers delegate ETH to virtual validators, created by the underlying DVT-based network of operators. In the native restaking scenario, their withdrawal credentials automatically point to Nektar without requiring operators to do so manually, thus connecting the two layers.

Unlike Diva Staking, which is focused on Ethereum validation, Nektar Network is designed to address the needs of multiple AVSs through a decentralized restaking process. This distinction allows both projects to operate independently while supporting each other through shared resources, and benefiting from the overlap in team expertise.

Powered by DVT

Diva is powered by Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) to operate Ethereum validators in a fully distributed manner, offering the most efficient functionality:

  • Liquid stakers receive a liquid staking token (LST)
  • Operators run nodes to fulfill staking duties and earn additional rewards

Operators use DVT key shares instead of Ethereum validator keys. Each virtual validator is run by a cluster of such key shares.

Operators must lock some ETH in LST as collateral per key share instead of full Ethereum's 32 ETH stake per validator. Operators generate additional rewards for the key shares they operate.

DVT makes both Diva and Nektar more resilient, decentralized, and integrated.

You can learn more about Diva at: